„1st International Congress on Buddhist Women’s Role in the Sangha“ 2007
The Foundation organised the "1st International Congress on Buddhist Women's Role in the Sangha / Bhikshuni Vinaya and Ordination Lineages" with H.H. XIV Dalai Lama on 18-20 July 2007 in Hamburg.
Buddhist religious law and the reintroduction of full ordination (priestly ordination) for nuns in the Tibetan tradition of Buddhism were the topics of the International Congress, which took place in close cooperation with the Asia-Africa-Institute (AAI) of the University of Hamburg.
The congress was extremely successful and brought together not only scholars and ordained scholars of Buddhism on the special subject of Vinaya, but also a wealth of new research results, which were published as a book by Wisdom Publications: Dignity and Discipline: Reviving Full Ordination for Buddhist Nuns.
Program, abstracts and book publications:
- On the congress website www.congress-on-buddhist-women.org you will find a lot of further information about the congress
- Program and Abstracts
- Book: Dignity and Discipline: Reviving Full Ordination for Buddhist Nuns
- Book: Mit Würde und Beharrlichkeit