Completed Projects
2022: Supporting the re-establishment of the order of nuns in the Tibetan tradition of the Mūlasarvāstivādavinaya
Via the website of the Committee for Bhikshuni Ordination (CBO) the Study Foundation for Buddhism received an inquiry as to how it can specifically promote the highest ordination (full ordination) for nuns in Tibetan Buddhism.
ordination) for nuns in Tibetan Buddhism. After consultation with the CBO, it became known that a highest ordination for novices in Bhutan was planned, but that there was a lack of appropriate funding. The foundation was able to help here on 17.03.2022 by raising donations and funding in the amount of 7,000 euros. The Bhutan Nuns' Foundation set an ordination date for June 21, 2022.
As reported by the media worldwide, 144 women were fully ordained, thus reviving the nuns' order in the Tibetan tradition of Mūlasarvāstivādavinaya. Thus, one of the main goals as expressed in the preamble of the statutes of the Study Foundation for Buddhism ("Wish to promote the establishment of the Bhiksuni Order (= order of fully ordained Buddhist nuns)") has been partially realized. The next step planned is an international ordination in 2024. If there are German novices who have been in the novitiate for at least five years, they could apply for ordination in Bhutan.
2022: Support for the international workshop 'Buddhist and Interreligious Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care'". Program available here.
Further reading (german): Wie können wir buddhistische Seelsorge nach Deutschland bringen?
2022: Printing subsidy Sakyadhita Sri Lanka
The Foundation for Buddhist Studies actively supports research on the Buddhist religion worldwide. Pursuant to § 2 (5), on February 7, 2022, a printing cost grant of €1,000.00 was awarded to Sakyadhita Training and Meditation Sri Lanka for the publication of the biography of Ranjani de Silva. The book titled 'Walking in the Sunshine of the Bhikkhunis: The Woman behind the Bhikkhuni Revival' has been released and can be downloaded here.
2019: Lecture series "Mindfulness in Education" at the University of Hamburg in the summer semester 2019
2018: Conference „Buddhism in Dialogue with Contemporary Societies“
2017: Support for the Academy of World Religions at the University of Hamburg
Preparation for the International and Interdisciplinary Conference "Buddhism in Dialogue with Modern Societies" from 20-22 June 2018 at the University of Hamburg (including payment of travel expenses for speakers) The assumption of these costs serves the objectives stated in the preamble to the foundation's purpose, i.e. the long-term, cross-traditional support in the field of teaching Buddhist principles through qualified translations into German (§ 2(4) of the constitution)
2016: Donation to the Jangchub Choeling Education & Welfare Society
Purpose: Organizing a ceremony on 23.12.2016 at the Jangchub Choeling Nunnery to award a "Certificate of Excellence" to the first 20 Tibetan nuns who have reached the monastic-academic degree of a "Geshema" on 22.12.2016 after 21 years of study. On 1 June 1995, the Foundation for Buddhist Studies (then still Foundation for Tibetan Buddhist Studies) had made a donation of 5,000 Deutsch Mark to the Tibetan Council for Religious and Cultural Affairs. With that initial donation, the first Winter Debate (Jang Guenchoe) for Tibetan nuns was initiated, which became the forum for the now annual examinations towards Geshema graduation.
2016: Donation toward the Committee for Bhikshuni Ordination (CBO)
As part of an educational campaign, a brochure on the Buddhist nuns' ordination was printed and distributed (3450 copies).
A further publication for distribution to Tibetan monk scholars was prepared. The printed publication "Revival of the Bhikṣuṇī Vow in the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition" is also available online as an ebook: www.bhiksuniordination.org
2012: Support of the Buddhist Women's Educational Society
2007: „1st International Congress on Buddhist Women’s Role in the Sangha“